Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin reiterated his support for the Women’s Reservation Bill, which was introduced in Parliament on Wednesday, but raised concerns about delimitation of Lok Sabha seats, calling it a “Damocles sword” hanging over Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu chief minister MK Stalin Stalin urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to allay fears among southern states that the exercise …
The Delhi High Court has observed that while considering bail, damocles sword cannot be allowed to hang over the accused's head merely on the assumption that the proceeds of crime may be higher.Justice Rajnish Bhatnagar made the observation while granting anticipatory bail to a man in connection with a money laundering case registered by the Enforcement Directorate, related to the. …
The Bombay High Court on Tuesday observed that we cannot have a damocles sword hanging over the head of journalist while conducting a public debate and suspended proceedings in two FIRs filed against Arnab Goswami for allegedly communalizing the coverage of Palghar mob lynching incident and the incident regarding gathering of migrants outside Bandra station during lockdown. Division bench of …