The makers of Thangalaan, actor Vikram’s much-anticipated film with director Pa Ranjith, announced today that the film will hit theatres on January 26, 2024, in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, and Malayalam languages. Said to be based on a real story set in the Kolar Gold Fields during British rule in India, the film was in production for quite some time. …
James Cameron is simultaneously working on multiple sequels to Avatar with the one first scheduled to release on 17 December, 2021. Filmmaker James Cameron is optimistic that his much-anticipated sequel to his 2009 blockbuster Avatar will not be delayed by the coronavirus pandemic. Cameron told Empire Magazine that the pandemic, which has halted several productions and delayed many films in …
People are currently on the streets protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act and National Register of Citizens. G L Arun Gopi and Asha Sekhar, who are all set to get married on January 21, 2020, recently had their save the date pre-wedding shoot. Nowadays, every couple has a pre-wedding shoot, but this one especially stood out because their pictures have …