Varun Dhawan and wife Natasha Dalal were spotted at the Mumbai airport on Saturday morning with their daughter Lara. Angry fans slam paparazzi As little Lara turned her face around, a paparazzo captured her face in a video and posted on Instagram. have some shame and delete.” Another comment read, “Please don’t post this without they permission.” Another fan commented, …
Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal were clicked at Mumbai airport on Saturday morning, heading for their New Year vacation to an undisclosed destination. Doting dad Varun Dhawan, who continues to shine at the box office with his latest release, Baby John, was seen in a black t-shirt, paired with grey pants and a black jacket, accessorised with red and black …
On the occasion of Christmas 2024, the Baby John actor Varun Dhawan shared the first-ever family picture of himself with wife Natasha Dalal and their newborn daughter Lara. In the picture, Varun is seen holding his pet dog Joey while Natasha is holding their daughter, however, Varun Dhawan did not reveal Lara's face and covered it with a red heart …
Varun Dhawan’s wife Natasha Dalal gave birth to a baby girl on June 3. Actor Varun Dhawan has spoken about his six-month-old daughter Lara and how he got upset recently. In an interview with Agenda Aaj Tak, Varun also said that Lara "just started eating solid food", and he couldn't witness it for the first time. About Varun new film …