President Droupadi Murmu on Friday paid homage to former prime minister Manmohan Singh at his residence. “President Droupadi Murmu visited the residence of Dr Manmohan Singh, former prime minister of India, and paid last respects to him. She also offered her condolences to the family members of Dr Manmohan Singh,” the President’s Office said in a post on X. British …
MINNEAPOLIS — Jurors in the trial of a Minneapolis police officer charged in George Floyd’s death are hearing from investigators from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, an agency that could be viewed as the state’s equivalent of the FBI. A police accountability package enacted last year in response to Floyd’s death requires all law enforcement agencies to report to …
As footage of George Floyd begging for help while he died under the knee of a Minneapolis police officer continued to stoke outrage across the country, the chorus of voices condemning the killing was joined by unfamiliar allies. New York City Police Commissioner Dermot Shea said Thursday that the officer’s actions were “deeply disturbing.” Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore …