West Bengal teacher recruitment scam: In a big setback to the Mamata Banerjee government, the Calcutta High Court on Monday issued a directive nullifying all appointments made through the recruitment process of the State Level Selection Test-2016 in government- In addition to nullifying the appointments, a division bench consisting of justices Debangsu Basak and Md Shabbar Rashidi instructed the Central …
KVS Result 2019|The result of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan teacher recruitment examinations has been declared today, at around 11 am. **KVS Result 2019|**The result of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan teacher recruitment examinations has been declared today, at around 11 am. As per The Indian Express, the result of 76 posts of Principals, 217 Vice Principals, 1079 Post Graduate Teachers, 340 Trained Graduate …