Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal took to X to issue a clarification on the viral video of a woman riding a bike while sporting the food delivery company’s t-shirt and carrying its food delivery bag. It all started when an X user tweeted a viral video of a woman, donning Zomato’s t-shirt and carrying the company’s food delivery bag, riding a …
After subdued New Year's Eve celebrations in the past 2 years, the country, along with the rest of the world, welcomed 2023 with full gusto. Food delivery aggregators, therefore, saw a busy Saturday on New Year's Eve, with Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal himself serving as a delivery agent. On New Year's Eve, Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal served as the delivery …
New Delhi: Zomato has offered an olive branch to restaurant owners amid an ongoing battle between the NRAI and food aggregators. On Saturday evening, Zomato' s founder and CEO Deepinder Goyal took to Twitter requesting restaurant owners to stop the logout campaign and urged restaurant partners to initiate a dialogue with aggregators. “In the interest of consumers, we request restaurant …