Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Monday said ration would be provided at the doorstep of beneficiaries across the State. Announcing the rollout of the doorstep ration delivery scheme, Mr. Mann said people across the State would now no longer need to stand in queues, and also it would be ensured that they get quality food grains or pulses. In …
Yet again, the doorstep delivery of ration has become a hot topic in the national capital after it was allegedly halted by the Centre for the second time since March. As per the doorstep delivery scheme, beneficiaries, who currently have to go to the PDS shops to collect the ration, will get wheat flour, rice and sugar delivered to their …
The Centre on Friday asked Delhi government not to implement the doorstep ration delivery scheme, saying it is "not permissible" to use subsidised foodgrain allotted under the National Food Security Act for the ambitious project. In a letter written to the Delhi government on Friday, Joint Secretary in the Union Food Ministry S Jagannathan said the subsidised foodgrains being allocated …
As the Delhi government's most ambitious doorstep delivery of public services completes a year on Tuesday, India Today unravels the future roadmap. The Aam Aadmi Party government plans to expand the doorstep delivery services by adding 30 more services by year-end, taking the total number to 100. The doorstep delivery scheme was launched by CM Arvind Kejriwal on September 10 …