Swami Ramdev, narrating a story about his health, said that he has not fallen ill in the last 50 years. Ramdev said since then he has taken care of his tooth using ‘Dant Kanti’ oral care products by Patanjali, which took care of his tooth problem. He pointed out that people in India often overlook their dental health and advised …
Half of the people in the world suffer from one of the other forms of oral disease. Dr Nilesh S. Kadam MDS, Endodontist from Mumbai says, “In India, other habits like chewing tobacco, smoking as well as eating sticky sweets too, usually tend to contribute to such problems.” Dr Kadam opines that the lack of awareness about the role of …
Social media offers a wealth of opportunities to learn about virtually anything. Desensitising toothpaste : Designed for people with sensitive teeth, such toothpaste contains ingredients like potassium nitrate or strontium chloride that help reduce tooth sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks. : Designed for people with sensitive teeth, such toothpaste contains ingredients like potassium nitrate or strontium …
India sits on a ticking health time-bomb, with one of the largest incidences of population suffering from diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and mental health issues. The report reveals a substantial percentage of children in the age group 2 to 17 years are suffering health abnormalities in the area of BMI, vision, dental health, followed by ENT, hygiene related issues. …