Actor Suvinder Vicky, best known for his portrayal of sub-inspector Balbir Singh in Kohrra, became an overnight sensation after the crime drama series released last year. “Sometimes an artist playing small roles like me gets noticed very quickly, and sometimes even the artists playing lead roles don’t get the fame that they expect,” says Vicky, who was recently seen playing …
It didn’t take long for news of actor Matthew Perry’s death to go public. Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson amplified the message when a guest on his show speculated that Covid-vaccine-induced myocarditis had caused NFL player Damar Hamlin’s cardiac arrest in January 2023. The #DiedSuddenly movement often focuses on public figures, like soccer reporter Grant Wahl and songwriter and …
Real Madrid coach Carlo Ancelotti admitted his side was beaten by the better side as it suffered a painful 4-0 demolition at Manchester City on Wednesday that completed a 5-1 aggregate defeat in their Champions League semifinal. “They played better than us and deserved to win,” Ancelotti told reporters. We have to learn and for the next season, to be …