The Verdict Logically Facts accessed the FIR filed in connection with the scuffle that broke out in Hyderabad, which lists both Hindus and Muslims as accused. However, the incident in the videos lacks a communal angle, as the First Information Report includes both Hindus and Muslims among the accused. According to the FIR, the accused were booked under various sections …
KAKINADA: In a matter of two hours, Chief Minister Jagan Reddy sorted out the problem of a mother who took rounds of government offices for the past five years for help to her mentally retarded son. Moved by the plight of mother Nakka Tanuja with her 10-year-old son Dharma Teja, the CM ordered immediate financial assistance and a monthly pension …
The Public Health and Family Welfare Department of the government of Telangana invested swiftly to deploy India's first automated "COVID-19 Monitoring System App" by Vera Smart Healthcare. Announcing the successful deployment of the Covid-19 Monitoring System App, Director of Public Health Dr G Srinivas Rao commended Vera Smart Healthcare expertise on handling Covid-19 surveillance complexities, understanding the protocol, and developing …