Pune: A team of students from the Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, has emerged victorious in the Smart India Hackathon 2024 hardware edition. The team comprised Col Rushikesh Dhotre, Manvendra Kumar, Shaista Shabbi, Anuj Sahu, Saswata Dhar, and Saptrishi Sarkar. The winning team, hailing from DIAT’s School of Energy and Environmental Systems, presented a grey water remediation project that …
The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has appointed BHVS Narayana Murthy, retired scientist, and former director general, Missiles and Strategic Systems, Defence Research and Development Organisation as the new vice-chancellor of Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, according to an official statement released on Thursday. Murthy joined DRDO in 1986. Murthy is renowned for his research and development in the …