Hyderabad: The Telangana High Court was not inclined to give any immediate interim relief to Kontham Dileep Reddy, former TS digital media wing head, in the case registered against him on charges of circulating false logos and abbreviations of TSRTC. However, the court directed the police to follow the due procedures of law in the investigation and directed the petitioner …
Hyderabad: City police on Thursday registered criminal cases against former TS digital media wing head Kontham Dileep and Harish Reddy for circulating false logos with wrong abbreviations of TSRTC and posting abusive comments on social media platforms. We received a complaint Wednesday from Achuri Sridhar, chief traffic manager, M&C business, stating that he saw a post on the X handles …
Hyderabad: Justice K. Surender of the Telangana High Court stayed all further proceedings with respect to Varanasi Dileep in a case under Section 3 and 4 of Prevention of Money Laundering Act pertaining to a Rs 73 crore bogus letter of credit fraud. The Enforcement Directorate had initiated the money-laundering investigation into the petitioner and Khagesh Kachhwal on basis of …