Haryana police on Saturday resorted to the use of tear gas and water cannon to disperse farmers and farm-labourers groups after they attempted to enter Haryana at the Shambhu-Ambala interstate boundary of Punjab and Haryana as a part of their Delhi Chalo foot march in support of their demands. Farmers call off foot march to Delhi They suspended their march …
Delhi is preparing for a potential traffic nightmare this week as protesting farmers plan to march towards the national capital in a "Dilli Chalo" movement. The march, set to begin from the Shambhu border, is expected to cause significant disruptions, prompting authorities to take stringent measures to manage the situation. -Orders were also given to all government and private schools …
Due to the farmers' 'Dilli Chalo March,' all government and private schools in the Ambala district will be closed today, December 6, according to reports. On November 5, farmer leader Sarwan Singh Pandher said that a 'jatha' of 101 farmers will embark on a foot march to Delhi at 1 pm on Friday from the Shambhu border protest site. While …