Four years after its last physical edition, Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival is back to bringing together filmmakers and cinephiles from across the board. In an exclusive chat with News18, Deepti DCunha, Artistic Director, Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival, says that the idea this year is to ‘expand the scope of the festival’. DCunha’s association with MAMI goes back to …
Actor Bhumi Pednekar has joined as brand ambassador of Dimensions Mumbai for this year’s Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival. Dimensions Mumbai is a Mumbai-themed short film competition sidebar at the festival. Talking about the association, Bhumi Pednekar said in a statement, “I am thrilled to be a part of Dimensions Mumbai this year. The opportunities that Mumbai can offer with …
Amity University, Amity Law School, Mumbai is organizing a National Conference on Emerging Dynamics & Dimensions of Arbitration Law on 22nd January 2020. Theme: Emerging Dynamics & Dimension of Arbitration Sub-Themes International Arbitration Tribunals in India: Future Opportunities and Challenges Arbitration Agreements: Elements and Requisites. Procedures and Consideration in the Appointment of Arbitrators Procedures adopted by Arbitral Tribunals and Grounds …