Dhar, Senior officials on Sunday visited the unit in Pithampur in Madhya Pradesh's Dhar district, where 337 tonnes of toxic waste linked to the Bhopal gas tragedy is set to be incinerated, for inspection after a rumour spread on social media that one of the containers carrying the waste had gone missing. Information was being spread through Whatsapp groups that …
Bhopal: Four decades after the Bhopal gas tragedy, billed as the world’s worst industrial disaster till date, toxic wastes, stored in the shed of the now-closed Union Carbide’s pesticide plant here, are yet to be disposed of. A move to destroy the wastes was first initiated in 2005 with a trial disposal of ten of the 347 tons of toxic …
The National Green Tribunal slapping a ₹9-crore fine on the Panchkula municipal corporation has catapulted pervasive waste mismanagement in the city into the limelight. However, Citizens Welfare Association president SK Nayar says, “The new garbage collectors do not come at a fixed time, nor do they ring the bell to announce their arrival and move from the lanes quickly, leaving …