Bollywood star Aditya Roy Kapur has been linked to supermodel Diva Dhawan for a while now, and last year there were reports that the two are planning to tie the knot in 2020. Recently, in an interview with Mumbai Mirror, Aditya opened up about the link-up rumours with Diva and said that he was not planning to get married in …
Actor Aditya Roy Kapur, who most recently appeared in the period epic Kalank, has repeatedly denied that he is dating model Diva Dhawan, but has been linked up with her for over a year. A snippet reveals that Aditya Roy Kapur is likely to get engaged to his model girlfriend Diva Dhawan in the next couple of months, with a …
The dishy Aditya Roy Kapur is one of the most eligible bachelors in B-Town. We went out for dinner one night at this famous restaurant that everyone is going to nowadays, Bastian. Touted to be a drama set against the Partition and independence struggle in the 1940s, Kalank also features Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt, Sanjay Dutt and Madhuri Dixit in …