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A doctor sparked a social media row today by suggesting Princess Kate would have been chucked out of an NHS hospital within a day. Dr Mike, as he is known on social media, said discharged patients would also get a 'photo of what wound infection looks like and maybe one wound dressing'. Dr Mike, as he is known on social …
In Northern Ireland, scientists have found remains of two Jurassic-era dinosaurs. Dr Mike Simms, curator and palaeontologist said that the fossils found by Roger were probably swept out to sea, alive or dead. Speaking about the two different bones, palaeontologist Dr Robert Smyth said that one bone is very dense and robust while the other is slender with thin bone …
Wildlife in catastrophic decline due to human destruction 人类活动导致野生动物数量锐减 Play audio file 根据动物保护组织世界自然基金会(WWF)发表的一份重要报告,全球野生动物数量在不到50年的时间里减少了三分之二以上。报告称,这种 “灾难性的下降趋势” 没有减缓的迹象,并警告说,大自然正以前所未有的速度遭到人类的破坏。 The report looked at thousands of different wildlife species living in forests, grasslands, rivers, and oceans, across the world. Conservation scientists recorded an average 68% fall in mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and fish since 1970. 报告还指出,保护野生动物的工作必须与解决栖息地丧失和滥伐森林相结合。这将意味着改变食物的生产和消耗方式,包括减少食物浪费和转向更健康的饮食结构。 词汇表 grasslands 草原,草场 conservation 动植物保护 mammals 哺乳动物 amphibians 两栖动物 …