Shares of Zomato fell over 5% in early trade on Tuesday, extending its weak market run after a period of strong gains. The brokerage also reduced its target price for the food delivery giant by 18% to Rs 275, down from Rs 335, reflecting concerns over intensified competition in the quick commerce segment. Jefferies cited heightened competition from Swiggy’s Instamart, …
But polls still show that Americans trust GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump on the economy more than they do Harris, a sentiment that plagued Biden throughout his presidency. “While Harris is performing better than Biden was against Trump on handling the economy … being given some benefit of the doubt as a newer candidate, voters still feel that day-to-day costs …
You are introduced to it in The paradox By and large, the concept of an ‘ideal’ home is very relative in this country. That is not an option for the biggest chunk of middle-class Indian homebuyers, for whom home purchase always involves compromise on their vision of an ideal home. The pitfalls In their search for the ‘ideal home’, Indian …