Disha Patani is a fairly popular name in the Hindi film industry. DISHA'S DUBAI DIARIES On Sunday, January 23, Disha Patani shared a video from Beyonce's concert in Dubai. Disha also shared a few gorgeous photos of herself on social media, much to the delight of her ardent fans. Here are her posts: ON THE WORK FRONT Disha was last …
Vignesh Shivan said he received an ‘awesome surprise’ from actor-wife Nayanthara on his birthday. Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan are in Dubai, where they posed in front of Burj Khalifa during their midnight celebration. Sharing photos of him and Nayanthara, along with their family, Vignesh wrote in his caption, "A birthday filled with pure love from a loving family… Awesome surprise …