Jammu and Kashmir Police has identified a Pakistani army man who is allegedly the mastermind behind sending sticky bombs in Jammu and Kashmir through drones. The investigation done by J&K Police in connection to the twin blast in Udhampur bus stand led police to Ghulam Fareed alias Ghulam Kumar. Soon after the Udhampur blast on September 29, J&K Police arrested …
For the most part, police sources say, drone flights have evaded detection except were prior intelligence was available, because of their small size and low engine noise New Delhi: Eyewitnesses testimony has enabled the National Investigation Agency to piece together the route used by the drones which bombed Jammu airport last month, sources familiar with the case have told News18. …
For the first time, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle -mounted explosives have been used to target an Indian Air Force base. Security personnel patrol the area after two explosions rocked the high security technical area of Air Force Station Jammu on the intervening night of June 26-27. Q: DID INDIA KNOW ABOUT THE THREAT: A: For the past two years plus, Pakistan …