After the success of Kalki 2898 AD, fans have been eagerly waiting for the sequel, Kalki 2. Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh hosted a private event in Mumbai, during which the couple introduced their daughter, Dua Padukone Singh, to the media. Director Nag Ashwin earlier praised Deepika’s role in the first part of Kalki, calling her character the backbone of …
How Deepika, Ranveer celebrated this Christmas Deepika took to her Instagram handle on Wednesday night and shared a close-up picture of their Christmas tree. Deepika tagged Ranveer in the post and added the hashtag ‘gratitude.’ She captioned the post, “ My heart is full.” Paparazzi meets Dua In a heartfelt gesture earlier this week, Deepika and Ranveer invited the paparazzi …