Twitter and Google cannot be held liable for fake According to the judge, the creators of the ads are responsible for the posts via Google and tweets on Twitter. Google must provide Kelder with data about the creators of the fake ads. Google said in response: "We are working hard to stop fraudsters on our platform and are pleased that …
More than half of Dutch The researchers found that 56 percent of For comparison, white people play a leading role in 90 percent of Dutch ads, a supporting role in 88 percent, and a background role in 93 percent of commercials. And then they quickly arrange an actor with colored skin, but they can no longer play the lead role," …
On Friday Facebook launched its library of political Users can search the Netherlands Ad Library for political parties like GroenLinks or Forum voor Democratie. Facebook then shows which Facebook pages are linked to the relevant party and which political The search results also give more information about the pages, like when they were created and in which country the administrators …