Mumbai-based businessman Ketan Rawal has provided Mumbai police with vanity vans free of cost. Due to lockdown-like restrictions in the state, heavy deployment of police officials stand on the roads for many hours at nakabandis and for bandobast. Therefore, I have decided to provide all my vanity vans free of cost to police officials.” The police officials, including women, are …
Hrithik Roshan has donated hand sanitisers to the Mumbai Police Foundation for the safety of officers on duty during the coronavirus pandemic. “Thank you @iHrithik for this thoughtful gesture of delivering hand sanitisers for Mumbai Police personnel on duty. My love & respect to all in the line of duty.” Hrithik has been doing his bit for the safety of …
Mumbai: In major relief to duty free shops, the Bombay High Court has ruled that goods and services tax cannot be levied on products sold at the duty free shops in Mumbai airport. "In view of the above exemption read with the duty free allowance available under the Baggage Rules applicable to arriving passengers, neither customs duty nor IGST is …