In an exciting development for healthcare in the region, Alchemist Group of Hospitals proud to announce the launch of its state-of-the-art infertility treatment and IVF services in Panchkula. At the forefront of this initiative is Dr. Garima Gupta, Consultant Gyaecologist & IVF Specialist, Alchemist-Ojas Hospital. Recognising the need for advanced and compassionate care, Alchemist-Ojas Hospital has invested in the latest …
A Times analysis of federal data found that Los Angeles General Medical Center physically restrained inpatients in its psychiatric unit at some of the highest rates in the country from 2018 through 2021. If you want to learn more about how regularly a local hospital uses restraint on psychiatric inpatients and how those restraint rates compare with state and national …
Breast cancer is a major problem in India and it’s increasing day by day as on a yearly basis, around 2 Lakh women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year in India. He pointed out, “With the introduction of prognostic tests such as OncotypeDX and CanAssist Breast, we can now know which early stage breast cancer patients benefit from Chemotherapy. …