A dedicated team at AIIMS Bhubaneswar has successfully saved the life of a 24-year-old Army jawan using advanced Extracorporeal Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. Despite his heart having stopped for nearly 1.5 hours, the ECPR procedure revived the young soldier, marking a significant medical breakthrough in Odisha. The Executive Director of AIIMS Bhubaneswar, Dr Ashutosh Biswas, praised the team's exceptional efforts, stating, "AIIMS …
Mental Health First Aid and Emotional CPR are the two most popular approaches to training laymen to support people in distress. A 35-year-old Group Therapy reader had this question: “Does mental health training for an everyday person exist?” In this newsletter, we’ll explore the two most popular approaches to training laymen to support people in distress: Mental Health First Aid …