Edelweiss Group chairman Rashesh Shah on Wednesday appeared before the Enforcement Directorate which had summoned him in their ongoing probe in a multi-crore forex scam. Rashesh Shah, chairman and chief executive officer of the Edelweiss Group, outside ED office in Mumbai, on Wednesday. “Capstone is being probed for sending forex abroad without following Know Your Customer norms,” said a source …
The Bombay High Court recently refused ad-interim relief sought by Anil Ambani, chairman of Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group, in a commercial suit filed by Reliance Project Ventures and Management Pvt Ltd and made some sharp observations against the plaintiff. Senior advocates Aspi Chinoy and Darius Khambatta appeared on behalf of Reliance, while senior advocates Janak Dwarkadas, Gaurav Joshi, Dinyar …