Oscar-winning composer AR Rahman explained why he walked off the stage last month, during a promotional event for 99 Songs. Explaining his apparent displeasure with the anchor speaking in Hindi at a launch event, he said that it was a ‘joke’ and not meant to be taken seriously. In a viral video, after the anchor posed a question to 99 …
Music maestro AR Rahman recently went viral for playfully trolling an anchor for speaking in Hindi at the audio launch of his upcoming film 99 Songs. He then asked the anchor, “Didn’t I ask you already if you speak in Tamil or not?” To this, the anchor said in Tamil that she spoke in Hindi to make Ehan feel welcome. …
99 Songs is bankrolled by AR Rahman’s production banner YM Movies along with Jio Studios and Ideal Entertainment. AR Rahman, who will make his debut as producer and writer in 99 Songs, introduced the male lead of his film, Ehan Bhat, on Twitter The Oscar-winning music composer wrote that he hoped the audience would respond positively to the actor’s performance. …