99 Songs is bankrolled by AR Rahman’s production banner YM Movies along with Jio Studios and Ideal Entertainment. AR Rahman, who will make his debut as producer and writer in 99 Songs, introduced the male lead of his film, Ehan Bhat, on Twitter The Oscar-winning music composer wrote that he hoped the audience would respond positively to the actor’s performance. …
Over 900 personalities from the fields of art and literature have come forward in the support of prime minister Narendra Modi just days ahead of Lok Sabha elections. Bhajan Sopori — Vocalist, Khayal Geeta Chandran — Dancer, Bharatnatyam Gita Mahalik — Dancer, Kathak Uma Garg — Dancer, Kathak Pratibha Prahlad — Dancer, Kathak Jitendra Maharaj — Dancer, Kuchipudi Dr. Kamalini …
The Mandalorian was first announced in November last year with Favreau announced as writer and executive producer in March earlier this year The filming of Jon Favreau’s live-action Star Wars television series The Mandalorian has officially been wrapped_,_ reports The Wrap. The Disney+ series features Nick Nolte, Werner Herzog, Gina Carano, and Pedro Pascal as the lead actors. The series …