Nearly three months after Sushant Singh Rajput’s death, videos from his theatre days have surfaced online. Sushant Singh Rajput started his acting career with a theatre group. Sushant had dropped out of engineering college and joined Nadira Babbar’s theatre group Ekjute to pursue his dream of acting. After Sushant’s death on June 14, Nadira expressed her grief in a post …
A picture of the late actor, Sushant Singh Rajput, posing with the team of his first play has surfaced online. Aur mere toh ek call par hamesha, behad busy hone ke baavajood, #Ekjutetheatregroup ke shows aur events par pohoch jaata tha,” she said. Sushant would call Juuhi ‘didi’ and always respected her as his first director. “Mujhe Didi bulaata tha.& …