Tamil Nadu’s Thiruvannamalai police, in coordination with the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, have recovered two rare idols, a navapashana idol of Lord Murugan and a Krishna idol carved from elephant tusk, at Kandiyankuppam. The WCCB, which monitors the smuggling of elephant tusk-based artifacts, received a tip-off about a gang operating near Hosur and Krishnagiri. Officials revealed that if the navapashana …
The Special Task Force of Assam Police on Wednesday recovered 15.2 kg of illegally smuggled elephant tusk during an anti-poaching operation near Assam-Arunachal Pradesh border. The STF launched an operation near the state border in collaboration with the Dhemaji police based on specific information. In February this year, the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau in a joint operation with the local …
The Assam police’s special task force in collaboration with the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau arrested five poachers and smugglers of wild animal body parts from Assam’s Nagaon district. Police said that this was one of the biggest seizures of animal body parts in Assam this month. According to the police, the STF and WCCB team also seized a large amount …
Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. A team of researchers turned to elephant and mammoth tusks to see if their layers might also preserve the presence of steroid hormones like cortisol, said lead study author Michael Cherney, a research affiliate at the University of Michigan Museum of Paleontology and a research fellow at the University of Michigan Medical …