A verdict has been delivered 11 years after the embezzlement case in the Bank of Maharashtra in Betul, Madhya Pradesh. Four individuals have been sentenced, including Vinay Ojha, the father of former cricketer Naman Ojha, who has been awarded a seven-year prison term. Naman Ojha's father's involvement Mastermind Abhishek Ratnam was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment and fined â¹80 …
DHAKA, Bangladesh — Bangladesh’s official anti-graft watchdog Anti-corruption Commission on Thursday questioned Muhammad Yunus, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006, involving charges of money laundering and fund embezzlement. Yunus’ lawyer, Abdullah Al Mamun, said the charges against his client were “false and baseless.” The commission summoned Yunus, chairman of Grameen Telecom, over $2.28 million from the company’s …