Actor Kartik Aaryan recently attended a grand wedding in Delhi, a star-studded event that also saw performances by Shah Rukh Khan and Sara Ali Khan. In the viral clip, the Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 actor can be seen dancing energetically to the song "Dil Chori" from his film Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety. Sonu is stealing all the dil with his …
The film Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani was released in 2013 and was an instant hit among the masses. And one of the songs that many enjoy listening to even now is Dilli Waali Girlfriend by Arijit Singh and Sunidhi Chauhan. One such dance routine to Dilli Waali Girlfriend has grabbed thousands of eyeballs recently. Snapshot of duo's energetic dance to …
Blank directed by debutant director Behzad Khambata stars Karan in the lead role of a suicide bomber with Sunny Deol playing a key role of an ATS chief. With the film’s release date inching closer, the makers of the film have released a promotional song titled ‘Ali Ali’ featuring Akshay Kumar alongside Karan. #AliAliFromBlank Song OUT NOW!” Both Akshay and …