New Delhi, CPI leader AA Rahim on Wednesday raised the issue of gig workers in the Rajya Sabha, saying they face "unbelievable exploitation" and inadequate earnings, and urged the government to frame legislation to ensure basic rights to them. Frame legislation to ensure basic rights to gig workers: CPI leader Speaking during the Zero Hour in the House, Rahim also …
Gurugram: New MCG commissioner Ashok Kumar Garg on Saturday directed officials to ensure that residents get basic amenities meant for them. Newly appointed MCG commissioner Ashok Kumar Garg held a meeting with MCG officials in Gurugram on Saturday. Garg also met representatives from the Air Pollution Action Group, who shared specific complaints received on their platform related to air quality …
Taking note of the problems faced by the homeless, the unemployed and the weaker sections of society during the on-going COVID-19 crisis, President Ram Nath Kovind said on Friday that the country would have have to be extra sensitive towards their needs and ensure nobody remains hungry. Stating that people had set an example by “showing exemplary courage, discipline and …
日前,国务院办公厅印发《关于完善国家基本药物制度的意见》。 Pharmacists work at a hospital in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region. The State Council issued a guiding document on Thursday with the aim of improving the national essential drugs system so as to ensure adequate supply of essential drugs. 国务院办公厅20日印发一份指导意见,旨在完善国家基本药物制度,以确保基本药物供应充足。 根据世界卫生组织给出的定义,基本药物指能满足人们的基本医疗需求、人们可以获得的、平价、可安全使用的药物。但由于基本药物的利润率较低,很多药企会避免生产这种药物。 目前我国基本药物的种类已从520种增至685种。意见出台了包括基本药物的遴选、生产、流通、使用、支付、监测等覆盖全程的新政策。意见还指出,基本药物目录每三年应更新一次。 意见提出,要对基本药物目录定期评估、动态调整,突出药品临床价值,坚持中西药并重,满足常见病、慢性病、应急抢救等主要临床需求,兼顾儿童等特殊人群和公共卫生防治用药需求。 针对那些基本药物生产动力不足的企业,意见要求政府要通过确保特定药企生产基本药物以保证药物供应。此外,基本药物的价格须限定在合理区间范围内,且进行严格监控以确保药物质量。 【相关词汇】 医事服务费 medical service fees 药品加成 medicine markups 药品流通 medicine distribution 医改 healthcare reform 医药分开 …