The Equestrian Federation of India picked Anush Agarwalla to represent the country at the upcoming Paris Olympics in the Dressage event. Anush Agarwalla It will be India's first-ever entry at the Olympics' Dressage event, as most riders in past editions competed in Eventing categories only. Agarwalla has been consistent since the Qualification period began last year and achieved Minimum Eligibility …
Award ceremony of the Longines Grand Prix: Secretary General of Chinese Equestrian Association, Mr. Guowei Zhong, Longines CEO, Mr. Mattias Breschan, Deputy Brand Manager of Longines China, Mr.Jack Xie, CEO of Dashing Equestrian, Ms. Jing Li, German legend rider - Ludger Beerbaum awarded the winners. The 10th edition of the Longines Equestrian Beijing Masters was held recently at the iconic …