Faridabad police on Saturday launched a free night pick-and-drop facility for the safety and security of women. DCP Kadiyan said that if any woman finds it unsafe to travel alone in a cab or an autorickshaw, they can Police said they have also started an awareness drive in Faridabad district and teams are meeting private companies and forums to spread …
Bengaluru: Credit and payments-led fintech startup, Uni has raised $70 million as part of its Series A round, led by General Catalyst, as the company looks to boost its growth moving forward. In September, digital credit and ‘buy now pay later’ provider ZestMoney had also raised $50 million as the company looked to tap an international merchant base for customers. …
Rubén Miranda hosts “El Rancho de Vicente,” a radio show dedicated to the music of ranchera icon Vicente Fernández, which he has done for two decades. But his bosses also task Miranda to host the one-hour “El Rancho de Vicente,” a noontime show that’s La Ranchera’s most popular program and is wholly dedicated to the songs of Fernández, which have …
New research shows that Covid-19 causing virus, Sars-CoV-2, cannot integrate its RNA to human genes. This finding refutes the controversial claim that the pandemic causing virus was able to insert its genetic material into human DNA. The earlier study showed that when human cells were tested in Petri dishes, the virus’ genetic material was found to slip into human chromosomes. …
A 40-year-old man was repeatedly hit with an iron rod by two Gramin Sewa drivers after the man along with his pregnant wife asked for their missing seven-year-old son in Delhi’s Okhla Industrial area. The two accused, who are brothers and were drunk, were later nabbed by South East Delhi police. “When her husband asked the two accused about his …