Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra on Monday attacked the BJP over levying GST on examination forms, saying the government had turned the dreams of parents who saved every penny to prepare their children for exams into a source of income. The Congress General Secretary shared an examination form of the Kalyan Singh Super Speciality Cancer Institute, Sultanpur, that showed 18% …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday congratulated “Exam Warriors” who have successfully passed the CBSE Class 12 board exam. PM Modi greets students on CBSE results “I congratulate all the #ExamWarriors who have successfully passed the CBSE Class XII examinations. “I would like to tell those bright youngsters who feel they could have done better in the Class XII exams …
Youngsters who aspire to join the Indian Army or paramilitary forces must know the importance of Detailed Medical Examination, a process they have to go through to advance for selection. Around 30 percent of candidates fail to clear the DME stage for any discipline, and sometimes the rejection rate goes even higher, up to 40-50 per cent. Candidates, who are …