Director Prasandh Mamul's film 'Meta the Dazzling Girl' has brought pride to the country by winning the prestigious Best Experimental Film Award at the Cannes World Film Festival. After this prestigious award, plans are being made to send the film to the Oscars next year 'Meta the Dazzling Girl' is a film that will take the audience to a different …
Periodicals getting or intending to get government The information and broadcasting ministry has proposed the rules days after the PRP Act was notified. They say the Press Registrar General can conduct or authorise central government officers for faceless and physical verification of circulation figures in case it receives some information, reference, or complaint against any periodical. The draft rules say …
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs has decided to implement system-generated centralised examination orders in a phased manner in the case of risk-based selection for examination after assessment from the 5th of September, 2022. As per the system, the standardised examination orders will be centrally generated by RMS and populated on the corresponding Bill of Entry, based on …
Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal launched the transport department's 'faceless' services on Wednesday. Under the initiative, people will be able to apply and get various transport-related documents like registration certificates as well as undertake learner’s driving license test online, from the comfort of their homes without visiting a motor licensing office. With this, Delhi will become the first state in …