The murder of a fan of Kannada actor Darshan has sent shock waves across not just Karnataka but elsewhere as well. Investigation revealed that he was a habitual offender and had sent similar pictures and messages to many women, especially social media influencers in the Kannada space. Elaborating on how access has become easier now, Chetana Thirthahalli, a women’s activist, …
In the Lok Sabha, Opposition MPs of the Congress, DMK, TMC, and others opposed the PM CARES Fund, alleging that it lacked transparency On the sixth day of the Monsoon Session of Parliament on Saturday, the Lok Sabha passed the Taxation Amendment Bill after a detailed debate in which allegations of corruption flew across Opposition and Treasury benches. The Bill …
Nirvendra Mishra, 3-time Former MLA, ‘Murdered’ Over Land Dispute in UP’s Lakhimpur Kheri Three-time former MLA Nirvendra Kumar Mishra was allegedly murdered on Sunday in Lakhimpur Kheri District, Uttar Pradesh, over an alleged case of land dispute. Mishra’s family members said that the men came with weapons to grab the land, and the former MLA and his son Sanjeev Mishra …