The Allahabad High Court recently granted anticipatory bail to a man booked under the UP Cow Slaughter Act as it noted that the case against the accused was a glaring example of misuse of penal law and that the state did not conduct a fair probe in the matter.The bench of Justice Mohd. The Allahabad High Court recently granted anticipatory …
In a significant observation, the Allahabad High Court has said that the influence of money in conducting an investigation is quite evident and it is a very big hurdle in the free and fair investigation of a crime and case.Noting that under the pressure of work, police undertake a mechanical investigation of the crimes, the bench of Justice Siddharth further …
Vipin P Veetil, a teacher at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras who resigned in July alleging caste bias, has written a letter to the Union education minister for a fair probe and suggested that a high-ranking faculty member at the prestigious centre should temporarily step down. “The Head of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IIT-M must …
In the Delhi HC hearing of a batch of pleas in the Jamia Millia Islamia violence case, petitioners demanded an independent investigation into the Delhi Police’s conduct against students The Delhi High Court on Tuesday began hearing a batch of petitions in the case of the violence that broke out at the Jamia Millia Islamia university in December last year. …
“There should be an inquiry about how the people came to Delhi from Uttar Pradesh and during the violence,” a group of women at Shaheen Bagh said at a late-night press conference. “We want a fair probe into the violence in Jaffrabad, Shiv Vihar and Maujpur.” New Delhi: The women of Shaheen Bagh demanded on Friday a fair probe in …