Two people were taken into custody on Saturday for allegedly fabricating fake social media profiles of the Bhopal police commissioner and defrauding people, the police said. The accused allegedly curated fake profiles using the name and image of Bhopal Police Commissioner. They allegedly curated fake profiles using the name and image of Bhopal Police Commissioner Harinarayanachari Mishra to deceive the …
Bumble added an option that will allow users of the dating app to report fake profiles that are using AI-generated images and videos. Users, when reporting a profile, can now choose “Fake profile” and then select the option “Using AI-generated photos or videos”, a report from TechCrunch said. AI-generated photos on dating apps are a common method used by threat …
Whaling also said that many of the company’s apps ask users to take profile photos within the app itself, so that automated tools can compare the images with the person’s already-uploaded photos. A friend who works in machine learning suggested I lob random but highly specific questions at them, something like “What’s your favorite dinosaur?”, to try to trip up …
Until last week, 17-year-old Firoz Chaudhary was listed as a singer on the IMDb page for Tom Cruise’s 2022 hit Top Gun: Maverick. This article’s co-writer, Baid, had followed the breadcrumbs when he first stumbled upon the fake profile of a Subhankar Bagchi on IMDb last month, only to uncover a few dozen more — along with video tutorials on …
A 35-year-old married man was arrested by the Delhi Cyber Police Station for duping more than 100 girls from all over the country using fake profiles on a matrimonial site. The man would adopt fake identities and pose as a very rich bachelor, looking to get married after which he would ask for money from the women for his business …
Max Verstappen has attacked Netflix's hugely popular Drive to Survive documentaries – saying he had declined to feature in later programmes because “they would fake a lot of stuff.” Speaking ahead of the US Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, Formula One's current championship leader said he was happy to accept the trade-off that he would have a lower profile as …