The Pune Railway Division Railway Protection Force has arrested a man for sending bogus messages of reserved ticket booking on mobile to passengers on Monday. The probe nailed Praveen Kumar Madhular Londhe of Gotkhindi in Sangli district based on the mobile details and CCTV footages confirmed his role in the crime. A team of RPF officials including inspector Sunil Kumar …
MUMBAI: A Goregaon resident was booked on Tuesday after he was caught trying to board a Goa-bound flight with a fake ticket at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport. Man caught with fake ticket trying to board Goa flight The police later learnt that the accused, Dinesh Choudhary, 32, had gone to the airport to drop off his wife and …
A man was apprehended at the Delhi Airport by CISF personnel for allegedly using a fake ticket to enter the terminal area, a senior official said on Sunday. V S Mann was apprehended by the security personnel on late Saturday evening when he was leaving the Terminal-3 building of the Indira Gandhi International Airport, he said. The passenger told the …