Actor Nasser, who is also the President of Nadigar Sangam, has clarified the rumours surrounding FEFSI’s new guidelines. It was earlier widely reported that the Film Employees Federation of South India has come with a new set of guidelines, and according to one of them, only Tamil artists should be roped in for Tamil films. The veteran actor also added …
The rumours about Telugu actors being banned to work in Tamil films raised a furore in the Telugu film industry since many Telugu actors and actresses are making waves in Kollywood. “We can’t ban actors from working in Tamil films since our organization has no such powers,” he adds. “We had some issues with Light N Light company based in …
As coronavirus cases rise with each passing day, help is pouring in from all celebrities. Actor Rajinikanth has donated Rs 50 lakh for Film Employees Federation of South India. With the cancellation of all productions and shootings till 31 March, the film industry workers will be hit the worst, as they earn wages on a daily basis. It asked celebrities …
In a precautionary measure to stop the spread of Covid-19, many film bodies including the Indian Motion Picture Producers' Association and Federation of Western Indian Cine Employees, announced that shooting schedule of all the films and television shows should be stopped across India for a brief period. Following this, on March 16, FEFSI has decided to put shoot of Tamil …