Honduran authorities say they are investigating the killings of activists Felix Vasquez and Jose Adan Medina. Felix Vasquez, a longtime environmental activist from the Lenca Indigenous group, was shot by masked men in front of relatives Saturday in his home in Santiago de Puringla. @ONUHN @OACNUDHHN @CONADEH @sedhHonduras @Presidencia_HN — Alice H. Shackelford December 30, 2020 Yuri Mora, spokesman for …
Felix Vasquez, a defender of environmental and human rights, died on Saturday after the attack in central Honduras. Felix Vasquez, a defender of environmental and human rights, died on Saturday night after the attack in the village El Ocotal, in central Honduras. Former President Manuel Zelaya, who was deposed following a 2009 military coup, tweeted “We condemn the assassination of …