On Monday, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee accused the Bangladesh government of having beaten some of the 95 fishermen recently released from detention. A total of 95 Indian fishermen and crew members on board six fishing boats were detained by the Bangladesh government after they "mistakenly" went inside the waters of the neighbouring country in October and November last …
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee will felicitate 95 fishermen from the state who were recently released from prison in Bangladesh, an official said. She will felicitate fishermen on Monday while she will be visiting Sagar Island in South 24 Parganas district to oversee the preparedness for the annual Gangasagar Mela. An official said, "The chief minister will felicitate the …
The Pakistan government on Thursday released 80 Indian fishermen from the Malir jail here. 80 Indian fishermen, who were released by Pakistan, entered India via the Attari-Wagah border, on Friday. The Indian fishermen were released under the ongoing drive of the Pakistani government to expel illegal foreign immigrants and nationals from the country. A senior jail official said the Indian …