Gujarat crime news: The Valsad Police arrested an alleged serial killer for the rape and murder of a girl committed on November 14. The accused, identified as Rahul Singh Jat, a resident from Rohtak and a handicapped person, had committed the rape and murder of a 19-year-old girl in Motiwada, as per police officials. A team of four Deputy Superintendent …
He was nicknamed the Dating Game Killer after appearing on the show in 1978 He was linked to over 130 murders and assaults of women and children At the time of Rodney Alcala's death in 2021, he had been linked to over 130 assaults of women and children - but how did he get away with his grisly crimes for …
An upcoming documentary is set to share chilling testimony from a former teenage survivor of Dating Game killer Rodney Alcala who was linked to the murders of more than 120 women and children. Morgan Rowan was just 16 years old when she was brutally beaten and raped by Alcala during a party at his Hollywood home in 1968 - before …
Responding to attacks of Delhi Chief Minister on the law and order situation of the national capital, the Delhi police took to twitter and presented the recent data that supported the department, overseen by the Union Home Ministry. In a tweet, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal sought Lieutenant Governor's intervention after five murders were reported in 24 hours -- in …