BENGALURU: With the mercury hitting high in the day, and rain clogging the roads in the evening, the weather in the city is posing a challenge for the delivery executives associated with food and restaurant aggregators. A delivery executive explained TNIE, “Each restaurant provides a maximum pickup window of 20 minutes, during which we must collect the order and update …
Three men were arrested for allegedly robbing a scooter from a food delivery executive in Subhash Place area here, police said on Tuesday. "Suraj, Sonu and Chand Khan also attacked the victim with a sharp-edged object," police said. Deputy Commissioner of Police Usha Rangnani said, "a PCR call was received at the Subhash Place police station regarding the robbery on …
HYDERABAD: Even as the city is reeling under scorching heat and its inhabitants prefer to stay indoors, about 30,000 food delivery executives are out in the sun, ensuring that their orders are delivered on time, braving the extreme weather conditions. As mercury crossed 41ºC, the delivery executives worked in the heat despite being meagrely paid. Aitharaju Mahesh, food delivery executive …