VIJAYAWADA: Deputy Chief Minister Pawan Kalyan, has directed forest department officials to take strict action against the individuals who attacked forest department staff within the Vijayapuri South Range forest jurisdiction. On Tuesday, Pawan spoke with the Palnadu district collector and superintendent of police over the phone, inquiring about the details of the attack and ordering strict action against the accused. …
Forest Department staff from various forest divisions in Tamil Nadu are undergoing training to use drones, which had been procured under the Tamil Nadu Biodiversity Conservation and Greening Project for Climate Change Resilience, in Coimbatore. A total of 20 field staff members, ranging from forest guards to anti-poaching watchers, were given training in drone handling, aerial mapping, and surveying till …
BHUBANESWAR: As the intense heatwave has triggered a rapid spike in forest fire incidents across the state, the government has decided to deploy ODRAF units in all sensitive forest and wildlife divisions to assist the frontline staff in dealing with the crisis. While a 26-member ODRAF team has already been deployed in Dukura range of Similipal Tiger Reserve following detection …
After a three-day-long search, the forest department officials in the Nilgiris said they managed to track down the mother of a two-month-old elephant calf that got separated from its herd last week. Glucose and coconut water was given to the elephant calf over the three days while forest department staff searched using drone cameras for the mother of the animal. …