It was recently revealed that director Shankar spent ₹75 crore to film four songs in his upcoming film Game Changer, starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani. Kiara Advani and Ram Charan in a still from the song Jaragandi in Game Changer. Game Changer has four songs in the film - Jaragandi, Raa Macha Macha, Naanaa Hyraanaa and Dhop. All for …
The highly anticipated Pan-India film Game Changer, starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani, has made headlines for its extravagant production values, particularly its music budget. Renowned trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared on X that the film’s music budget totals a staggering Rs 75 crore, covering just four songs. The film consists of the following four songs - Jagarandi, Raa Macha …
Tom Jones has revealed that he has had a second hip replacement as he gave his fans a health update. Surgery: Tom Jones has revealed that he has had a second hip replacement as he gave his fans a health update He wrote: 'Papa has two new hips now! ': The legendary singer, 82, had his a hip replacement back …
Tom Jones has revealed he has to sit down for three quarters of his performances as he got candid about his health. Health update: Tom Jones has revealed he has to sit down for three quarters of his performances as he got candid about his health 'So you go upside down for a couple of minutes and then you come …