Filmmaker Hansal Mehta is not one to mince words. Seemingly angered by this, a Twitter user accused him of giving Kangana Ranaut a ‘flop film’, following which Hansal Mehta took a jibe at Kangana’s latest release Dhaakad. On Monday, in response to his tweet about Brahmastra’s high ticket sales and long queues outside theatres, a twitter user wrote, “Shame on …
Working out to keep your body in shape is one of the most fundamental habits you can imbibe. Here are ways you can make your workout routine fun. Replace Your Old Routine With A New One Similar to adding new exercises to your routine, you should, once in a while, try changing the routine altogether. A weighing scale is a …
WhatsApp has added multiple features over the years and most of these features have been focused on increasing the productivity of the application as an instant messaging platform. As the name suggests, users will be able to send each other animated stickers once the update rolls out to a broader audience and WhatsApp manages to streamline the process after testing …
Rapper Badshah had fun working with actress Jacqueline Fernandez, and says he learnt a lot from her. Badshah worked with Jacqueline on his latest single "Genda phool". We have been complimented a lot on how we look together on the screen which is a great thing," Badshah told IANS. "Genda phool", which comes with a Bengali touch, is themed around …