Samsung has announced a price drop of Rs 1,000 on the Samsung Galaxy A31 in India. The announcement comes a few weeks after the launch of the Samsung Galaxy A32 which is available for Rs 21,999. Like Galaxy A31, Galaxy A32 also has a single configuration of 6 GB RAM + 128 GB storage. If your existing Samsung device has …
Samsung has quietly launched the Samsung Galaxy A32 4G in India, ahead of the scheduled launch on March 5. The Samsung Galaxy A32 4G carries a price tag of Rs 21,999 for the sole 6GB RAM and 128GB storage model. The Samsung Galaxy A32 4G was launched in Russia in two variants of 4GB RAM + 64GB and 4GB RAM …
Samsung has announced that the company will soon launch the Samsung Galaxy A32 4G that features a 90Hz display in India. Currently, the Samsung Galaxy A32 4G is retailing in Russia, and the 5G variant of the device debuted in European markets in January 2021. As per the dedicated website, the Samsung Galaxy A32 4G comes with a quad rear …